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Usage Instructions

Once you've installed UNSAT, you're ready to start running experiments. This section will guide you through the process.

Running Experiments

To run a basic experiment with UNSAT, navigate to the project directory and execute the following command:

poetry run python unsat/ fit -c configs/test_config.yaml --data.hdf5_path <path to data>

This command will start a short training session using the specified configuration file and data path. The results will be automatically uploaded to Weights and Biases. To understand and tailor your model configuration refer to this page of the manual of unsat.

Weights and Biases Setup

Weights and Biases (wandb) is a powerful tool for tracking machine learning experiments. To set up wandb with UNSAT:

  1. Login to wandb:

    poetry run wandb login

  2. Enter Your API Key: You can find your API key here. Paste it when prompted.

For more detailed guidance, visit the Weights and Biases Quickstart Guide.